Our address:
Pskov, Oktyabrsky av. 22, office 1004
We will definitely call you back
Puchkin in the village
You will find yourself in the atmosphere of the Pskov village of Pushkin's time, feel yourself as a nobleman and peasant, you will hear the memories of local peasants - the "old-timers" who will tell you about Pushkin, how he learned the words of writing and writing poems in Bugrovo.
In 1817, the first time A. Pushkin visited Pskov, heading to the ancestral estate of his mother, the village Mikhailovskoye.
He was 18 years old. He just graduated from high school.
Alexander Sergeyevich in Pskov had a chance to visit many times.
In the summer of 1819 - passing, in 1824-1826, Tsar Alexander I exiled him for his freethinking in Mikhailovskoye, Pushkin often came to Pskov on the summons of the Governor of the Baron Nikolai Adernas"
The book "Pskov provincial" by Nadezhda Valner
The cost of the tour is indicated per person in the group!
Touch with a history!